Finally Florida (.net) is a love story. It’s a love story between me and my boyfriend, as well as a love story between me and my love of living in Florida. The blog originally started as a way for me to keep in touch with those I left behind (friends and family) when I left Pittsburgh and moved to Florida with the Bakers. It hasn’t evolved in audience much and is written as if my best friends are reading. However I have discovered along the way that there are others, that I’ve never met, following along with my adventures. So I’ve made this legend/key for those that aren’t familiar with names, places and terms.
Finally Florida was initially started June 3, 2014 on the free website WordPress and the address was In September of 2014 I moved to a site that I now “own” called My original thought in switching sites was to try to make money on advertising. After a dismal 2 months and total income of $40 I’ve pretty much given up that idea, although feel free to do an Amazon search from my landing page. I just blog to blog because I like it.
Soon to be a major motion picture starring Michelle Pfeiffer, or should it be Meg Ryan, playing me. OK, that is a total lie but there is a book in progress. If you are an agent or publisher please feel free to contact me.
Sewickley, PA (a suburb of Pittsburgh, PA) – Sewickley is my hometown. It is a suburb of Pittsburgh. I mention Pittsburgh and Sewickley a lot.
Palm Harbor, FL – original location of the initial move.
Virginia – where my mother lives and I visit often
PPU – Point Park University in Pittsburgh where I worked from 2006 – 2014
Hospice – I worked as an office temp at Hospice for a brief period here in sunny Florida but I also volunteer at Hospice as a companion and Reiki practitioner with hospice patients.
CHARACTERS (some are more characters than other):
My children from birth: Zachary/Zach (oldest) and Jimmy/Jim/Jimbo (youngest)
Family I moved to Florida with: The Bakers (Philip, Jorden, Zenah, Tashah, Alyna) and Sam the dog
PB – Philip Baker: – Philip is the boyfriend who I moved to Florida with in 2014.
Terms of endearment include:
BF for Boyfriend
BBE– Best Boyfriend Ever
Friends and family: Way too many to mention. Just assume if I mention someone’s name they are a friend. There are many different pockets of friends. I have hometown friends, I have work friends, I have college friends, I have North Hills friends and Florida friends. I just know if I name names I’m going to forget someone very important. You all know who you are and now readers are my friends too.
Lyming: Lyming is a real term that means to take a break out of your day. I use it often in the early posts.
Reiki: Reiki is a form of energy healing. It is something that I learned as a volunteer with Hospice.
FF: Floating and fantasizing
Eff: Fuck or Fucker…
I often provide a link to a book, a past blog, a restaurant, or hotel. If there is a link the word will be highlighted – it’s like a light green. I would change that color if I knew how. You can click on that highlighted word or phrase and it will take you to more information about that subject (book, past blog, restaurant, etc.) For instance I have linked several words on this page, i.e. the website addresses listed for the site, the words or phrase: Sewickley is my hometown; early posts and Reiki.
You are welcome to comment on any post and I will respond. If you would like to contact me directly please click here:
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